Saturday, August 26, 2017

Me on This Week's Book Week (273)

This Week's Book Week is rather similar to Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews only with far more rambling and a less witty title. ;)

Hi! The sun's still out, but with no smoke in the air. Some mornings are cool and cloudy, which just leads to warm, heavy evenings.

I've been trying to blitz through e-books I've picked up from the library, mostly as a way of going through my to read list, seeing if they hold my interest after a few chapters and stopping if they don't. Some of these books have been on my to read list for years, so I don't feel that bad about skimming or stopping. It always happens, though. You get excited about certain books, then other books pop up and you forget about them, then when you finally get the chance to read it you're no longer interested.

Reviews going up this week will feature Heathen by Natasha Alerici (Tuesday) and Odd & True by Cat Winters (Friday)! :)
You're Welcome, Universe by Whitney Gardner (borrowed from the library)
Heartfire by Kate Boorman (borrowed from the library)
Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves (borrowed from the library)

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